So I've had an interesting day. I got a living ordinance recommend this morning, pretty much first thing, which represents a big step forward for me. Then the prophet showed up to our sacrament meeting. Wow. That was... nothing short of incredible -- and oddly hilarious. Turns out Pres. Monson has a really good sense of humor. I got to see Bengt again for the first time since he took off for his mission in Seattle, WA, and he's still just about the same as he left, which is quite different from my past experience dealing with new RMs.
After church, I picked up Melody and went to her parents' house for dinner and had a decidedly un-spiritual couple of hours before we went and saw Rose for advice on how to further our wedding plans. She was very helpful in that department, and more importantly, launched us into an excellent spiritual conversation. Several hours later we finished up there, much-enlightened (and me with the sense that Jewel could easily turn out to be that particular sort of awesome person many years down the road), and headed to Melody's current residence to let her get some sleep. There, we had another major spiritual discussion, after which I went home. And had ANOTHER spiritual and uplifting discussion with my dad that may or may not have ended with him finding his way to the path towards self-forgiveness over what happened to my brother Caleb before I was born.
So yes, it's been quite a day. A lot more specific stuff and stories were experienced and shared along the way, but if I try to write them all out, I'm pretty sure I won't get any sleep at all tonight.
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